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Do I need a referral from my GP or other health professional?

No, we accept self-referrals. You can contact us directly on 0796 11 64 337 or info@cambourneclinicalpsychology.com. You can also submit an enquiry form. After your initial contact, we will arrange for one of our highly experienced, chartered clinical psychologists to call you back to discuss your needs and arrange an appointment for a comprehensive assessment. If you are referred by your GP or another health professional, he or she will have asked for your permission before they make contact with us, providing details about your mental health. We will then contact you directly to arrange an appointment.  

What are your opening hours?

Evenings and weekdays (excluding public holidays). Individual clinicians may be able to offer weekend appointments, either for initial assessments or ongoing therapeutic work.  Please state if this is your preference to enable us to ensure that your enquiry is directed to the appropriate clinician. 

Where can I have an appointment?

We are currently working in a hybrid manner, with most appointments offered over encrypted video call with a limited capacity for face to face appointments at our clinic rooms in Histon (with disabled access and parking).  Please do let us know of your preference but do be aware that there may be a longer wait for face to face appointments.  During the imposed remote working over the course of the pandemic, we have found that the majority of people have had a very positive experience of remote sessions. We do not offer home visits.

Am I able to bring someone with me to the appointment?

We understand that some clients may have a preference to be accompanied to their appointment. You are welcome to bring someone with you and there is a light, open reception area for them to wait in comfort. If you feel anxious about coming in to the assessment on your own, please discuss this with the clinical psychologist offering you an appointment.

If I know what treatment would help, do I still need an assessment?

Yes, we always start with an assessment prior to offering therapy sessions. This is for you and your therapist to arrive at a shared understanding of your difficulties and explore the different treatment options. Assessments usually take 1-2 sessions.  We practice within the guidelines and code of practice set out by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). If after an assessment, we do not feel that it is within our competence to offer you the most appropriate therapeutic intervention, we will inform you of this and support you in finding an alternative therapist or sign-post you to more appropriate services.  

I think two of the therapies that you offer could help me. How do I choose?

Once your assessment is complete, your therapist will discuss which therapy or therapies are likely to be the most beneficial in improving your mental well-being. Your therapist will take into account NICE guidelines and explain these to you. Your therapist can provide you with further information about the different treatment options for you to make an informed decision.  

What help is available if I have an emergency related to my mental well-being?

This practice does not provide an out of hours service. If you have an emergency related to your mental well-being, you should contact standard NHS services. These include contacting your GP, calling 111 and selecting the mental health option or going to a local accident and emergency department.

What payment methods do you accept?

Payment can be made by cheque or cash at the appointment or by BACS prior to the appointment (our bank details will be provided if this is your preference).  Payment is required at the end of each appointment or you can request to be invoiced monthly if a contract for regular sessions has been agreed to.  In these circumstances, payment in full is required within 14 days of issue of the invoice.  If you have health insurance cover, it is your responsibility to check the level of your cover prior to starting your sessions and to provide us with the authorisation code at the first appointment.  You will remain liable for payment if your insurers fail to provide payment or if you wish to continue with our service beyond your insurance provision.  You will be provided with an e-invoice. If you need the invoice in another form, please let us know.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

All appointments cancelled more than 24hrs before the appointment, will not be charged. Any cancelled less than 24hrs before the appointment, will be charged in full. Cancellations can be made by phone or email.  Please be aware that many insurance companies will only pay for attended sessions, and you may be requested to pay for appointments cancelled less that 24hrs in advance.  In case of unforeseen illness, your clinical psychologist may be available to offer you a telephone consultation, chargeable at the applicable hourly rate.

How early should I arrive?

We ask you to arrive about 10 minutes before your appointment as you may be asked to complete some questionnaires prior to your therapy treatment session (your clinical psychologist will discuss this with you before hand). This also helps us to keep appointments on time, so you get the most out of your sessions. If you arrive late we would not normally be able to give you extra time as there would usually be another client booked in after you. If you need to leave before the end of the pre-booked time, the full appointment will be chargeable.